SunCrypto is an Indian Crypto Exchange platform where people can buy and sell Crypto Currency Trade using their skills. You can trade in INR Market and USDT Market here, this application is operated by Angelic Infotech Private Limited. You can also refer and earn money to your friends and get 30% commission on each referral.
If you want to trade inside SunCrypto then to download this application you have to click on the Join Now button and download this application from PlayStore and after installing it you have been given a Refer Code here, you have to use it while creating the account.
SunCrypto Referral Code 1877870.
If you want to earn money by referring your friends inside SunCrypto App or want to earn money by taking trade here, then you have to follow all the steps given below to create an account.
If you want to verify KYC inside SunCrypto, then you can do KYC by following all the steps given below.
If you have created an account in SunCrypto and from here you share it with any of your friends and they create an account in it and share it with a friend through your Referral Link, only then you receive referral commission in SunCrypto.
If you have already created an account in SunCrypto App and want to earn money without trading in Crypto Currency, then you have to click on the Invite button here and share it with friends. You will receive referral commission only after they create an account in it and invest money in Crypto Currency.
When you share SunCrypto with a friend and they create an account in it and buy the trade, only then do you get referral commission in SunCrypto.
If you share SunCrypto with a friend and they create an account using their Refer Code and then want to change the Referral Code again, they cannot change the Refer Code again. You get a chance to use the Refer Code only once.
When you create an account in SunCrypto and share your referral link with a friend and they create an account using your referral code and take trades in it, you get a commission of 30% on each trade.
There is no limit to the money you can earn by sharing SunCrypto with your friends, the more you share with your friends, the more you get referral commission from SunCrypto.
If you want to share with any of your friends from SunCrypto, then you can share with as many friends as you want from here. The more you share with your friends from here, the more referral commission you get. There is no limit to share with your friends in this.
When you share SunCrypto App with any of your friends and they create an account in it and do not take trade in Crypto, hence you do not get referral commission. You will get referral commission in SunCrypto only when they buy the trade.
Yes, your Referee can earn money by sharing with SunCrypto. When your Referee shares his Referral Link with a friend and they create an account and buy trades, only then your Referee receives referral commission from SunCrypto.
If you have created an account in SunCrypto and want to earn money by sharing it with your friends, then you can share it with your friends from here. You have to open this application. And go to your profile and click on Invite Refer and share it with friends through WhatsApp, Telegram or any other social media.
If you have created an account in SunCrypto and share it with your friends, then you get referral commission. To see it, you have to open this application, and go to your profile and click on the invite refer button and see the referral commission.
Friends, to buy trade inside SunCrypto, you have to open this application and go inside the portfolio and click on the trade you want to buy and buy the trade by adding money.
If you want to withdraw the money earned by sharing SunCrypto with a friend or you want to withdraw the money earned by investing in Crypto, then you have to open this application, click on the INR Withdraw button and fill in some details. And you can withdraw your money to your account.
Friends, if you face any kind of problem in SunCrypto, then you do not need to worry, you get the best customer support in it. You have to open this application and click on your profile, after that you can get your help through SunCrypto by clicking on the Help and Support button.