Physics Wallah is an education planform where you can prepare for IIT JEE, NEET, NDA, Commerce, CA, CAT, CUET, AE/JE, UPSC, SSC, Banking, Teaching, CDS, UPSC, GATE exams at a low cost and preparation for classes 6 to 12 is provided here. And you can earn up to ₹ 10,000 by sharing it with your friends or relatives through Refer and Earn. And you can get additional discounts from here.
If you want to create your account in Physics Wallah App, then first of all you have to click on the Join Now button to download this application. Now you have to open this application and enter your mobile number and enter your name when your account will be successfully created in this application.
Physics Wallah Refer Code is 9835BMZW
In Physics Wallah App, you get additional discounts on Refer and Earn, if you share it with any of your friends. And if he creates his account inside it, then after that you get commission.
To add your friends to Physics Wallah App, you will click on the Refer and Earn button, after that you can add your friends through Refer and Earn by entering the Refer Code.
If you want to share Physics Wallah App with your friends, then you can share it with your friends and relatives through WhatsApp or any other social media.
If you want to add any person to Physics Wallah, then you can easily add through this App, you can join more and more people here, there is no limit on sharing here.
When you invite any friends from Physics Wallah App, and when your friend creates an account inside PW and buys any batch using your Referral Code, only then you get Referral Bonus.
The benefits of using Physics Wallah's Referral Code are to avail discount on studying online and offline, saving money and getting cash rewards and inclusion by referring someone else.
When we share Physics Wallah App with any friend and he buys any Vidyapeeth Offline Batch from here, then you can get Refer Bonus up to ₹ 10000 on each refer.
If you have referred and earned your friends from Physics Wallah App, and your friends have not received the refer commission, then it means that your friend has not purchased any online or offline batch from here. That's why you have not received commission.
Yes, of course we both can earn money by referring and earning from Physics Wallah App, I and my friends get a chance to earn up to ₹1000 by referring.
When we invite any friend from Physics Wallah, and when that friend creates his account inside this PW App and buys any batch from here. Only after that you will receive the money.
You can check your referral earnings by going to the Refer and Earn page inside Physics Wallah App and clicking on the Redeem Now button.
If you share Physics Wallah App with your friends and use your refer code, you can earn up to ₹100 on each refer.
Yes, you can withdraw the money referred and earned from Physics Wallah App to your bank account or you can withdraw your money inside Physics Wallah Wallet, you will have to fill some details.
Yes, the education given by Physics Wallah is very important, because many teachers together give you good studies, in this you prepare for many competitions like JEE, NEET.
When you study here, and you want to earn money. So you share this App with your friend, and you create an account with your referral code, and if your friend joins any batch, then you can easily earn money from here.
If you want the book of Physics Wallah. So you can go inside this app and open PW Store and buy whatever book you want. Select that book and click on that book. Now click on the Buy Now button here. And you can order your book from here.
You have to first open this app, after that you have to click on the VP Live button below. Now you can join VP Live by clicking on the Buy Now button and complete your course.
If you want to join the Library inside Physics Wallah App, then you have to go to your Profile button. And you will see Library button, select it. Now you can select any subject you want to study inside NEET ZONE and read it easily.
Provides Physics Wallah Note, which helps us study all the subjects. If you want notes of Physics Wallah then you have to go to PW App. And you can easily get the Notes of Physics Wallah by clicking on the Notes PDF button.
If you want to join the Refer Program in Physics Wallah App, then first you have to copy the Refer Code 9835BMZW from here. When your account is created here, you can create an account by going to the Refer and Earn button and sharing it.
When you share it with a friend, and he creates his account in Physics Wallah using your Refer Code, then he gets a SignUp Bonus of up to ₹100.